American Academy of Financial Management  
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IFMA Board of Standards Officially Issues the Certifications and Designations
All IFMA certifications are issued direct from the USA


IFMA - International Finance and Management Academy

Board of IFMA Issues the Certifications and Designations Officially

   Welcome to the IFMA, advancing standards and education programs for all finance professionals. Made up of many member companies spanning the global market, the IFMA connects the finance industry with financial management credential certifications.

   As an international association, the IFMA enables our members to develop robust expertise for managing the massive volumes of finance generated by today businesses. For the past years we have worked to bring recognition of financial issues to the business world.  As a result, the IFMA has adopted the role of industry catalyst for the development of financial specifications and global standards, and education.

   International Finance and Management (IFMA) is a non-profit organization, and an academy and certificate accreditation organization of European and American International Culture and Education Foundation  (EAICE-Foundation, ).  We also are an accredited member of IACUE (International Association for College and University Education, the worldwide hallmark of excellence in education, ACBSP (The Academy of Collegiate Business Schools and Projects, WWC (Worldwide Classroom and accredited by IDETC (International Distance Education and Training Congress The IDETC Accrediting Commission defines, maintains, and promotes educational excellence in distance education institutions. IFMA is also an accredited member of ACICS (Accrediting Council of International Certificate and Society /).

Our members are dedicated to developing and promoting standards, managerial, and educational services to empower organizations in the management of finance, accounting, business risk, marketing and asset. The IFMA works toward this goal by forming and sponsoring Finance Work Groups, producing with our strategic partner building and maintaining a vendor neutral Finance Center and promoting activities that expand the breadth and quality of the financial management market. The IFMA's ability to accomplish these goals is directly attributed to the dedication and hard work of hundreds of volunteers from our member companies.  With regional affiliates spanning the globe, IFMA is truly the voice of the industry on a worldwide scale.



IFMA Finance Certificates

1.BC - Baking Certificate
2.CA - Certificate of Agronomy
3.CATP - Certificate of Acupressure Technology Professional (Level-A)
4.CATP - Certificate of Acupressure Technology Professional (Level-B)
5.CATP - Certificate of Acupressure Technology Professional (Level-C)
6.CAM - Certificate of Asset Manager
7.CBP - Certificate of Biotechnology Professional (Level-A)
8.CBP - Certificate of Biotechnology Professional (Level-B)
9.CBP - Certificate of Biotechnology Professional (Level-C)
10.CBS - Certificate of Business Strategist
11.CBM - Chartered Business Management
12.CBSM - Chartered Business Strategist Management
13.CC - Certificate of Cosmetologist
14. CCLP - Certificate of Chinese Language Professional (Level-A)
15. CCLP - Certificate of Chinese Language Professional (Level-B)
16. CCLP - Certificate of Chinese Language Professional (Level-C)
17.CCM - Certified Communication Management
18.CEEP - Certificate of Environment Engineering Professional (Level-A)
19.CEEP - Certificate of Environment Engineering Professional (Level-B)
20.CEEP - Certificate of Environment Engineering Professional (Level-C)
21.CFA - Certificate of Financial Analyst
22. CFCP - Certificate of Fire Control Professional (Level-A)
23. CFCP - Certificate of Fire Control Professional (Level-B)
24. CFCP - Certificate of Fire Control Professional (Level-C)
25.CFM - Chartered Functional Management
26.CFP - Chartered Finance Professional
27.CGD - Certificate in Gardening Design
28.CHCM - Chartered Health Care Management
29.CHD - Certificate in Hair Design
30.CHM - Certificate of Housekeeping Management
31.CHM - Chartered Hospitality Management
32.CHRM - Chartered Human Resource Management
33. CIBHEP - Certificate of International Business Hosting Etiquette Professional (C-level)
34. CIBSEP - Certificate of International Business Social Etiquette Professional (C-level)
35.CIE - Certificate of Industrial Engineering
36.CITM - Chartered Information Technology Management
37.CIM - Certificate of Innovation Management
38. CJLP - Certificate of Japanese Language Professional (Level-A)
39. CJLP - Certificate of Japanese Language Professional (Level-B)
40. CJLP - Certificate of Japanese Language Professional (Level-C)
41.CKM - Certificate of Knowledge Management
42.CLM - Certificate of Logistics Management
43.CLS - Chartered Labor Safety
44.CMM - Chartered Marketing Management
45.CMM - Chartered Manufacturing Management
46.CN - Certificate in Nanny
47.CNM - Certificate of Network Management
48.CP - Certificate in Photographic
49.CPA - Chartered Professional Accountant
50.CPME - Certificate of Professional Medical Examiner (Level-A)
51.CPME - Certificate of Professional Medical Examiner (Level-B)
52.CPME - Certificate of Professional Medical Examiner (Level-C)
53.CPMP - Chartered Production Management Professional
54.CPMP - Chartered Project Management Professional
55.CPRP - Certificate of Public Relations Professional
56.CQM - Chartered Quality Management
57.CRA - Certificate of Risk Analyst
58.CRM - Chartered Risk Management
59.CSHP - Certificate of Safety Health Professional
60.CSM - Chartered Sport Management
61.CTEP - Certificate of Trust & Estate Planner
62.CWMP - Certificate of Wealth Managerial Professional
63. IMA - Internet Marketing Analyst (C-level)
64. IMP - Internet Marketing Planner (C-level)
65.MAMP – Master of Accountant Management Professional
66.MCMP – Master of Communication Management Professional
67.MCP - Master of Communication Professional
68.MFP - Master of Financial Professional
69.MIMP – Master of Innovation Management Professional
70.MKMP – Master of Knowledge Management Professional
71.MLTMP – Master of Leisure & Tourism Management Professional
72.MPMP - Master of Project Management Professional
73.MQMP - Master of Quality Management Professional
74.MRMP – Master of Risk Management Professional
75.NTC - Nail Technician Certificate
76.PGC - Pet Groomer Certificate
77.PMP - Portfolio Management Professional
78.RBA - Recorded Business Analyst
79.RFS - Recorded Financial Specialist
80.RFSP - Registered Financial Specialist Professional
81.CPDT - Certificate of Partial discharge testing (Level-B)
82.CPDT - Certificate of Partial discharge testing (Level-C)
83.CBAM - Certificate of Blockchain Application Management
84.CIB - Certificate of International Brand Broker
85.CAIM - Certificate of AI Technology Application Management
86.ETAIM - Certificate of Education Technology Application International Management
87.GEIAM-Green Energy Industry Application Management
88.SDGAM-Sustainable Development Goals Application Management
89.SNPM-Social Network Platform Manager
90.CSRM-Corporate Social Responsibility Manager
91.ESGM-Environment Social Governance Management
92.EOAS-Expert of Aromatherapy & Spirituality
93.CSRTIC-Certificate of Spiritual Reiki Therapy Insight Cards
94.DMP-Doctor of Management Professional
95.NPOPMP-Non-Profit Organization Project Management Professional
96.CFA-Chartered Financial Analyst
97.CFM-Certified Financial Management
98.CFM-Certificate of Functional Management
99.CRA-Certificate of Risk Analyst
100.CSM-Certificate of Sport Management
101.CTEP-Certificate of Trust & Estate Planner
102.PGC-Pet Groomer Certificate
103.CBSM-Certificate of Business Strategy
104.CJT-Certificate of Jewelry Techniques (Level-A)
105.CJT-Certificate of Jewelry Techniques (Level-B)
106.CJT-Certificate of Jewelry Techniques (Level-C)
107.CDLD-Certificate of Digital Logic Design
108.CCSA-Certificate of Computer Software Application
109.Carbon Finance Consultant
110.ESG Carbon Credit Professional ESG
111.ESG Sustainability Management Professional
112.Certified ESG Consultant
113.Master ESG Consultant
114.Doctoral ESG Senior Consultant