American Academy of Financial Management  
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> Overview
> Certificates
> Benefits
> Requirements
International American Association of Finance & Management

MKMP Master of Knowledge Management Professional

Master of Knowledge Management Professional (MKMP)

The move from an industrially-based economy to knowledge or information-based one nowadays demands a top-notch knowledge management system to secure a competitive edge and a capacity for learning. The new source of wealth is knowledge, and not labor, land, or financial capital. It is the intangible, intellectual assets that must be managed. The key challenge of the knowledge-based economy is to foster innovation.

Articulating the purpose and nature of managing knowledge as a resource and embodying it in other initiatives and programs.  Knowledge can be embedded in processes, products, systems, and controls. Knowledge can be accessed as it is needed from sources inside or outside the firm.  It is versatile and can be transferred formally, through training, or informally, by way of workplace socialization.  It is the essence of the competitive edge.  Knowledge assets are the knowledge regarding markets, products, technologies and organisations, that a business owns or needs to own and which enable its business processes to generate profits, add value, etc.

Knowledge management is not only about managing these knowledge assets but managing the processes that act upon the assets. These processes include: developing knowledge; preserving knowledge; using knowledge, and sharing knowledge. Therefore, Knowledge management involves the identification and analysis of available and required knowledge assets and knowledge asset related processes, and the subsequent planning and control of actions to develop both the assets and the processes so as to fulfill organisational objectives.

Success in an increasingly competitive marketplace depends critically on the quality of knowledge which organisations apply to their key business processes.  We actively promote the training for high-level knowledge management personnel and recognize high-level teachers in knowledge management field to enhance the quality of decisions making in this industry.

By complete the following courses and the examination with approval scores; candidate will be awarded the following certificate:


Master of Knowledge Management Professional (MKMP)

Course Value:

  • Identifying what knowledge assets a company possesses
  • Analyzing how the knowledge can add value
  • Specifying what actions are necessary to achieve better usability & added value
  • Reviewing the use of the knowledge to ensure added value
  • Individual knowledge management actions to be defined and justified in terms of their contribution to the overall aims.
  • Effective communication of the work and progress and observers.
  • Management aids for those involved in carrying out the programme and measuring its progress.
  • More effective communication between users, researchers, technicians, managers and directors involved in the various aspects.
  • Sensible decisions to be taken on the opportunities for further exploiting the results.
  • Identification of knowledge gaps that need to be filled.


  • A recognized college degree or equivalent degree
  • More than three years work experiences in relative industry
  • Join a 15-hour back training courses every year after been awarded the certificate


  • Course Fee USD1, 000, after receive the certificate, membership fee (USD100) and license fee (USD500) will be charged

    Courses:(Total 35 hours)

  • Organizational Behavior and Learning Organizational Model
  • Modeling Corporate Culture
  • Database and Knowledge Base Application and Knowledge Management Applies
  • Decision Support System of Intellectual Capital Practice

  • Application of Knowledge Management Practice